All Guatemalan Jadeite Necklace "Jades of Guatemala"
Discover timeless elegance with this All Guatemalan Jadeite Necklace "Jades of Guatemala" from JadeDivers. This is a Guatemalan Jadeite necklace that won a Gold in the 2024 Monterey Jade Festival Symposium. Each bead was genuinely hand-made into perfect rounds of all assorted colors of jadeite from Guatemala. Crafted without the use of dyed or treated materials, this necklace showcases the variety and vivid hues that genuine Guatemalan jadeite is known for. All beads are graduated in size from the front center piece, being a rare piece of lavender jadeite that is sandwiched between two Olmec blue jadeite beads. As you observed the line of beads from the front center to the end at the clasp, you will notice each bead is graduating in color and has an exact match on the other side. Perfect for accessorizing any outfit with the variety in colors it stands as a testament to our dedication to quality and integrity. The clasp is made of heavy coated 24k gold and silver. The cord is a silver coated wire that is heavily crimped and will last a lifetime of secured wear. Elevate your jewelry collection with this one-of-a-kind exquisite piece that perfectly embodies the essence of JadeDivers.
Note: Every bead is hand made. No bead machine or sending materials over seas to be mass produced and then assembled here.
Some of the name types of jadeite are the following:
Olmec Blue
Lilac (rare blue form)
Princessa (blue snow)
Olmec blue (orange rind stain)
Lilac (blue lavender)
Lilac (rainbow)
Black (Omphacite "type of jade")
Gonzalez Blue
Note: Layaway plans are available at checkout provided by the different payment apps, which offer flexible payment options ranging from 2 months to as far as 3 years. Support our unparalleled custom unique one of a kind, non-mass produced and timeless value of our jade jewelry today.
Necklace Specifications:
Length: 24.5 inch
Bead size range: 17mm to 10.3mm
Bead number: 47
Material History
Scholars searched for half a century to find the prized blue jadeite of the Olmecs and Mayan’s. It was re-discovered in 2002 after the local hurricane devastated the local forests and people which exposed the jadeite veins in 1998. This jadeite material rivals the best from Myanmar, formerly Burma. The Olmecs of the pre-Columbian era considered this jade more valuable than gold. It is believed that the Olmecs believed that the blue jade is most prized and the kings and their families were always buried with it for acceptance into the next life.
Blue jadeite bangles are hard to come by. Search everywhere and you'll see how infrequent these are available. This top quality jadeite is a recent find in Guatemala and top grade is being compared to top grade Burmese. Fracture free similar bangles have been sold for up to $15,000. This material is a little different that other top quality blue jadeite mentioned above as it has white jadeite inclusions looking like "Snow". Some call this "Blizzard" or "Storm".
Proud to say one of my specialties at is making one of kind custom beads found almost no where in the world. Most of my beads are going to have cone tapered ends that are deburred and polished. My photos are taken to show the natural colors without photo enhancements. I believe this will best represent the colors and promote repeat customers.
** Note: Many items stated to be "Jade" on Etsy and Ebay are not. In many cases, price does not indicate this either so buying an expensive item may be a jade replica like glass. There are many other stones including agate, grossular garnet, serpentine (many forms), aventurine... being sold as jade. To make it worse and more complicated, many jadeite stones are being reconditioned and died to be very attractive so they pass general tests to be real. If you see very clear bangles, odds are they are agate, glass or something else. If you see very bright colors of red, yellow, purple... most likely not real. I say this as many buyers are being fooled on-line by these practices.